Two years ago today, I was in New York. It was absolutely, the best Valentine's Day ever. Exhibit A & exhibit B.

Today, I cleaned my car out, I did my laundry & listened to good music. All throughout these duties. I looked outside of myself thrice times, wondering why I felt so incredible. (See, I still tend to overthink things.. women). I found myself, all day, in a four bedroom, two bathroom, two living room home alone. Loneliness wouldn't dare creep up on me & I am/was happy. I also brought some perspective to an acquaintance that claimed that this generation was lost. An entire generation? Nah. I refuse to decide that, as a parent. Knowing my seed succeeds in everything he wants to do whilst dealing with this generation. Just: nah. I love this life. Wholeheartedly.

I'm not all women. Just like dude that shared his view(s), isn't all men. I just love that about this world. All of the differences. It really makes you appreciate your own self, that. much. more.

I don't know. As a woman of the people, I really don't worry anymore about them. I can't describe how liberating that is. Don't get me wrong, I still care. I still communicate. I still connect. That's why I'm here. I learn about myself the most, simply by listening & being around others. & at this point in my life, I have never loved myself more.

Love you. Without that, you can't love another. No matter how hard you "try". Peace.

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