Changing The Record

Never been so thoughtful before. & I used to praise myself mentally about what a great woman I am when it comes to the little things. I thank how observant I am often because most people truly overlook one another's ways. Especially nowadays with the many distractions all of these different types of devices have to offer. But you naturally reciprocate. I don't have to tell you what to do! Fuck! Man how I just adore you. You really motivate me. Every single day. I'm finally striving. Trying to figure out what I can do that will combine all of my skills & wisdom & monetize from it.

You're so mature. Yet you have such a wonder about you. Innocent, like a child's. Your laugh is so open. Your eyes, the most brave I've ever seen in my life. It gets me so motivated. When I miss you, I think of how hard you must be working so then I get to it. I can't keep living like a housewife without a man, lol. That's really what I came up with when I evaluated self as to where am I at in life. I definitely have been settling. Not all throughout my life though, thankfully.

It's difficult to improve every single thing that you think you should about yourself at once, so I'm not going to attack myself as I'm known to do on this here bad boy. I have come a long fucking way. Considering all of the years of abuse, betrayal, deceit, lies & loneliness... man, I should be a lot worse. But this is bad enough in my eyes.

-Looking within for the balance, no longer searching.

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