A Chance.

"We are human beings. We deserve to be buried by our children, not the other way around. No matter how you felt about black people look at this mother & look at this father & tell me as a human being, how you cannot feel empathy for them. How can you not feel sympathy for their pain & loss? These are not: "THOTS, niggas/niggers, hoes, ballers, divas." These two people are parents. They are humans that produced a child & loved that child & that child was slaughtered like game & left face down as a public spectacle while his blood drained down the street. Look at the pain of this mother, look into her eyes. Look at the man behind her. Look at that father made helpless & hurt that he could not defend his seed. Don't debate. Don't insert your agenda. Save me the bullshit, 'Black On Black Crime' speech & look at these two noble creatures called humans & look at what government sanctioned murder has done. It has robbed them of their humanity & replaced it with pain & shame, suffering & hurt. I don't care if others rioted or why. I don't care that ball players & rappers aren't where they should be. I care that we as humans care as much about one another more. I care we see past class, race & culture & honor the humanity that unites our species. Stop talking & LOOK at these PEOPLE. LOOK at these HUMANS & stand with them against a system allowing a Human PIG to slaughter their child. Love & respect you all." -Killer Mike

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