Halfway Mark
Of My Heart.
I used to wonder why some people would give into falling in love over & over again. So soon. Right after what seemed like a painful separation. I used to think that maybe they weren't really loving upon a new person entering their essence. But I would say it's quite the blessing. More so the strength. To be able to share parts of yourself you once would save for a later time so quickly. & then, just like that, they're out of your life & you're on your own again.
This year has been quite the ride for my heart. Unbeknownst to many. But damn, did it provide some worthy living. That excitement & joy you feel when someone is on your mind, in your heart. That feels so good. Quite the eye-opener when you're able to provide such peace for another & your own self is being neglected (&) still, tragically chaotic.
I know you are love. They all know. They'll never forget it/you. But you really must care for yourself & figure out what it is you want out of your life. Stop catering to the instincts. Rise up, Queen, stop hiding already. No one's even looking for you.
Such a windy time when the flame sparked. & just as expected in those times, the love BLAZED, & soon turned to ash.