
Flawed. I am. But it isn't over. I mean. I'm here. I'm breathing now. & I just made her smile. Yes. Today's a good day (no Ice Cube). In good health, not financially overwhelmed but rich in individuality. Wealthy in creativity. An abundance of wisdom to share & even more to absorb. But. Something. Something is holding me back. Well I know what it is. It's myself. I had enough excuses before & I've run out. (I really haven't though). Or else I'd make some moves. I have resources but I haven't managed my time well. Another thing lacking is inspiration. I continue to remind others of their own light yet I'm chillin' in the dark. I'm heavily involved in others' progress & guiding them that I've lost sight of myself. & I've always done this! I continue to hold myself back. It's time to step it up. & I'm not going to say the time is now because honestly, the time was then. It's really just waiting on me to get w/the gettin on! [Lack of better words helping me express myself. Losing track...] Back.

You ever lay ya head at night & think about your accomplishments thus far & being your own worst critic start realizing you really haven't amounted to anything? As many lives as you have touched, you have nothing to show for it. But what tangible specifics do you need to make you feel worthy? Those demons. They won't allow you to rest. You may own your own home & yet you're still wondering what ELSE can you do? You just bought a new car & you're too busy stressing out over people you may or may not know that find themselves struggling more than you are. Wait. Are you even struggling? To give you the benefit of the doubt, I'll say: yes you are. We all have our own battles. & none of us equipped to handle them. You have the resources I need & I have what you've been looking for. Letting go of the disgust I have for people would allow me to see the opportunity I do have to better myself & the world. It's just. There aren't enough people that care. There aren't enough people that REALLY care. Not like me, anyway. Speaking to others, allowing others to get inside your mental, will benefit them! & believe it or not, benefit you as well. You may not have a degree (like me, *fist in air*), but step your social scene game up & turn that Network switch ON.

It isn't over. It's never too late. Like those old ass people takin' the same college course as you. They're either just getting started or onto another career. You've got this. Don't let yourself make you think otherwise. Giving you unnecessary restless nights that could be used on one that will get you paid. If you failed today, when you wake tomorrow, make it happen then.

See you at the top.

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