Yeah, I'm bout that life. If you're strong enough, it'll last. Sure, you'll have a drink here & there. But when you're smart enough to look back at how much you actually used to drink & how often? To the two drinks a month (if any) you do now? *Clay Davis* shiiiiiiiiiit. You start to really see who was/is there for you. Which one of your 'good' friends is judging you? On the other hand, even if you try not to.... you're judging them as well. Because they're yet to see what this poison is doing to them. Or they hit you up asking how you've been... when's the next time you'll be out there.... thinkin' you're still the same person from years ago. They're so anxious to advance spiritually but numbing that central nervous system lands them in the same position, if not two steps back. You want to buy me a drink? Nah, I'm good. I'm just here to watch the game(s). But I suck right? Says the one w/a weaker liver than I.

I have an excessive amount of demons I need to address on the daily. & I'd like nothing to cloud my judgement, thank you.

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