: the property of lasting for a very short time.
: lasting for a markedly brief time.
: short-lived.
She remembers holding him & him questioning if this was actually taking place.
She was there, at his place.
These friends, soon to be lovers.
Now she questions how after __ days of REALLY getting to know him, can she feel so strongly for him.
She's falling hard.
Let's make this last.
"Baby, you & me. We can make it work."
: lasting for a markedly brief time.
: short-lived.
She remembers holding him & him questioning if this was actually taking place.
She was there, at his place.
These friends, soon to be lovers.
Now she questions how after __ days of REALLY getting to know him, can she feel so strongly for him.
She's falling hard.
Let's make this last.
"Baby, you & me. We can make it work."