Mercy Mercy Me

I referred the national holiday, Thanksgiving, as the celebration over the slaughter of another people's. I never really celebrated it as a youngster w/my folks & never cared enough about the holiday other than: time off from school & good food at my brother's godparent's house. The last few years, I've worked almost every holiday. Christmas holds the most, if not only, importance in my eyes. So this day... of thanks, was another day at the Den'. Once home, I prepared part of the pre-feast while my brother grilled asparagus ('twas just us two this year *smiles*). We took our dishes to my brother's friend's home & was welcomed warmly w/a burnt turkey that tasted effin delicious. Dinner rolls, cranberry sauce [BANGIN' (thanks Vanessa)], green bean casserole, corn, mashed taters, gravy & ham made their way in my tummy that night.

Fruit/cream pie, cherry pie, apple pie & pumpkin pie were among the dessert but I was soooo full that I said no to gluttony. Thankful evening & night full of prayers on my end.

Got home & slept like a dead deer [shouts to Brooklyn] before I was woken up by a phonecall 15 mins later. It was the hubby. Went back to sleep an hour later & rested for about three before getting up to work at job #2 for Black Friday. Smooth day, overtime, Souplantation [free] for breakfast, Subway [Free] for lunch & a Chipotle burrito [FREE] later, I was sleep for about 14hrs.

That about covers my whereabouts.

My heart is elsewhere ;·)

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