
Are the answers really at the bottom of the bottle?

No. But most definitely there's a message.

Damn. I'm not having a good night, folk(s).

A good man TOLD me to meet him at a certain time (5p). I didn't ask why, I just agreed. I get home & home is lonely. Called my nanny & she was with the kids at McDonald's. It's 4p. So now, I'm thinking, "I have to hurry up. I'm gonna pick them up, drop them off & be on my way." I arrive & they're still eating, still playing. So then I contact this man & let him know I will be late, that I was shootin' for a half hour. He's hesitantly understanding. Time passes & I update again on how I'm stressed about how I still haven't dropped anyone off & he suggests we reschedule. I'm disappointed & I apologize.

Turns out, he cooked dinner. For us.
Turns out, he purchased tickets to go see a movie we both want to see.

"How do u feel sorry?" he asks.


It's been awhile since I felt down. Depressed. Whatever. But everything that a negative person can think of, I'm that.

& off into the night I am. For the 5th night this week. Have a blessed one.

"Just because I'm losin' doesn't mean I've lost." -Coldplay

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