Ma Lito
I've had a lot of GREAT/MEMORABLE activity in the last few days & I'd like to catch up.
Thursday, April 15, was my grandmother's birthday. I haven't seen her in 16 months & I pray she comes to visit & stay with me for awhile this year sometime.
As long as I can remember, she's never been old. She still isn't if you ask lol. She's always told me that she's my mother too. Jokingly of course, but insisting that she's young. & that her children, grandchildren & great-grandchild are getting older & will soon pass her by. There's also a special number that she's chosen to stick to. She's 38. & this year she turned 38. Next year, she will be 38. & so forth. My lil island/town that my parents are from, Barra de Navidad, Jalisco ALL know her to be THIS age. Wonderful joke that no one dares to go against haha.
So my brother, mother & I got the chance to speak to her & we all wished her a Happy Birthday & my brother actually mentioned to her that she's turning 38 this year. & my grandmother made sure he never forgets!
So because of her young self, her name to me has always been Ma Licho. Not Grandma, not Grandmother, not Grandmama, not Nana-just Ma. & when I was little I was her "muñequita Americana" (American doll) & she was my Ma Lito since I couldn't pronounce the Spanish 'ch' sound.
I miss her. With that said, God bless her w/many more years & Felíz Cumpleaños Ma Licho.