"Tough" Times
Ahh, that relative term: tough. For months I didn't see THE LIGHT them optimistic folk talk about. My blog started seeing more than one person a day stop by & I began to neglect it. On purpose. As much as people LOVE to hear about the bad going on in others' lives, it's disgusting to share. Let alone, live with.
Tragedies all around the world occur & still we are manifested in our own problems that we don't even see how selfish we are being. It's nice to think of others, shoot a prayer their way but sometimes it needs the media's attention for us to follow along, like robots. That's tragic. But it's reality. Who's got a war going on? Oh word? Well I can't even walk in my house without someone hollerin' about blah blah blah.. So we each have our battles on the daily.
Sometimes I forget how fortunate I am hence the need for a reminder. Things are good but since I'm Human, they can be better.
Enter: Effort.