After my amazing Saturday -3.20.10- I had an even better night. Went out with Oso (he likes to call himself Fresco) to the movies (Alice in Wonderland -IMAX babyy!- was a great movie as far as the effects/graphics/design but the plot I didn't appreciate. I suppose I expected too much from it & I really shouldn't do that. I was also disappointed that "The Unbirthday Song" wasn't sung! I was looking forward to that & instead they had Johnny Depp dancing hell'a silly at the end, smh.), dinner (@ TGIFriday's; delicious) & had many DEE!licious drinks. I hadn't had so much fun in awhile. Didn't worry or stress about a thing! I learned a lot that night & the following day about letting go of my itinerary & just LIVING. Thanks Ricky.