Ode to My Father
I think about how many times my dad was actually there for me. Always. How many times he's actually listened to what I have to say. To this day, never. & instead of it affecting me in a negative way, I could not be more appreciative. Every parent has their own way of impacting their children. As distant & cold they can be, if your mind is right, you WILL see. You WILL understand why.
My dad has influenced me so much. As wrong as he was numerous times, each lesson he tried to teach me has eventually held my hand. I always questioned his rules, his advice & unfortunately agreed years later. I like to think I learned his stubborn ways & made them my own. The only difference is I am able to acknowledge when I'm wrong. He is NEVER wrong. The way he sees things are how they are. Oh. You see it a different way? You're wrong.
This past year he's made a drastic change. For the first time ever, he began to reach out to my brother & I. He went from putting us on hold for others & never calling us back to asking us how we've been & what's new. I remember asking my brother, "Is Dad all right?" His reply, "He called me yesterday, said he just wanted to say hi." We were both genuinely surprised.
It's weird to see this side of him when we've grown up without his love. Without hearing him say that he loves either of us. Witnessing these changes, I've learned that there isn't a one way or a right way to love. I'm thankful for what he's taught us without physically being there. I'm proud of him.