I just wonder..
Am I the only one who stares at old pictures of myself (or others) & think..
"I bet you she didn't know she'd be an alcoholic at age 15."
"Who would have known he'd like to molest children."
"Never even had the thought of leaving college for a man that took my peace of mind along with pieces of my soul."
These pictures I look at vary in age. It could be of when I was crawling, when I was sleeping, when I was holding up that Honor Roll certificate at age 7.. etc,. I tend to think of what I was doing & what could possibly be going through my mind. Definitely not planning on [insert mistake as an adolescent/adult here].
I just find it interesting to just think of WHAT IF. Not necessarily regretting the choices made to get to where you're at now but just to daydream.
how much more different would life be if we did what we were told, what we were told from those we once thought knew less than us.
HOW MANY more problems would we have.
how less stressed out would we be.
I think no matter what path we have chosen or we eventually landed on, it's just right. There was no wrong turn. There weren't any bodies giving us misguided directions. Ultimately we chose to listen & realized how wrong they were.
How wrong we were.