Wings of Forgiveness


I realized that as much as we try not to be like our parents' worst, we do or don't do or say or don't say that's verrrry
much alike. Duh.

I confess that I don't give those that are closest to me any credit. I mean, they should be praised! But definitely not coming from me.

On the last night of 2009, my mother decided to criticize & advise me on something that, frankly, was none of her business. I got upset but suprisingly didn't raise my voice & cause (too much) chaos. We didn't see eye to eye & she chose to do what she knows best: walk away/turn her back to me/shut her mouth.

I sound cruel don't I.

I was thinking, 'She doesn't ever have anything positive to say! Doesn't give me support, motivation, thanks, nothin'!'

I've picked up her trait.

& not until most recently I learned.

It's always good to find something out about yourself that needs fixin'. Whether we care to change or adjust is the hard part.

Thankfully I'm not that stubborn. Just gotta watch my mouth.

& listen!!!

Ok talkin to self.

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