In the Fog of the Night
I'm not into soccer. Unless David Beckham is in me.
I played Baseball, Basketball, Softball, ran Track & Cross Country. I've just most recently tried to find my skills in basketball..
Now. I've always been a fan of football. Ok. Not always. Since I was 13. I moved right across the street from what would be my high school the following year & one could see the football field from my dad's driveway. Began watching the games, enjoyed 'em, smiled often. After-school I'd watch JV play instead of going home. At night I'd watch more games. Never really knew IN DEPTH the rules & all, but I knew what it was about.
After graduation, I met a few people that had a favorite team & I began my search for someone with enough knowledge to teach me everything he or she knows about the sport. No luck. & if they had the knowledge, they didn't have the patience. Well lady &/or gentleman reading these words..
I've found the One.