He Loves Me
It's that feeling. That FEELing. Of her heart being squeezed. Gently. Gently though. He says things to her that not only touches her heart but it compresses it a little. You know?! Slowly comes in, caresses it & just before he departs, presses it with affection. & that makes her cry.
Now. Even she knows that means to shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain.. She knows this. She doesn't want to call them happy tears 'cause they're not. The way he makes her feel makes her want to cry because she recalls what she's been through. & to have him before her, loving her as she exposes what she was fearful in showing, her soul, makes her want to release the tears that have been holding her back all along. She can finally be free. Without judgement.
She remembers. When she didn't matter. & those that knew, those that could save her, didn't. She had to save herself. But this man.. He saves her every time they spend time together.
He fell in love with her soul.
[Her intense soul. See, how she loves is both a gift & a curse. She's remarkable to say the least; she loves w/her all, good & hard. Enter: gift. & even when it isn't reciprocated, she continues to love. & care deeply; enter: Curse.]
Who he is as a person, knowing & presenting himself well is what made her fall. He's interested in what she likes. He likes being at home, like her, but he's outgoing as well, like her. & one thing she loves most is how comfortable he is in being himself. As well as how much he's shared of himself. The more she knows the deeper she falls in love.
She tries to make as much time as she can for him.
He's so worthy.
He's an amazing listener.
He's so worthy.
He's an amazing listener.
He's a great friend.
He's an incredible lover.
He's a phenomenal man.
He embodies what she's prayed for.
He's her blessing.
He fulfills her in every way.
He's an incredible lover.
He's a phenomenal man.
He embodies what she's prayed for.
He's her blessing.
He fulfills her in every way.
I allowed myself to be understood & you remain at my side determined to continue to understand me.
*3 months ago, tonight..