Time After Time

"When do u know you have found the right person for u?"

You will never know if they are the right person. It is a constant
effort to keep not only your relationship "new," "special" &
"interesting," but you must also be honest with yourself. With a
partner, you know that there will be growth. You know yourself yet
you're evolving & that's more than okay. When you have decided to be a
certain way & you're satisfied, you won't look for approval elsewhere.

You should be able to feel embraced & respected MOST of the time. I say
this because there's such things as embarrassment, failure, pain,
regret, suffering, tears, etc,. DAMN JENN! Nah I'm just sayin' when
you're comfortable w/someone in being yourself & their spirit shows you
how blessed you are, that alone makes you want to keep this being in
your life. & you want to be intimate. Again & again [Not just sexually].
Makes you want to please them because in all actuality to have them in
your life fulfills you.

Bottom line: it's only in movies when you can honestly say, "From the
first time I saw him," or "From the first time I met her.." I knew I
loved him/her. Lies.

From one's experiences they choose when they would like to involve
someone in their life on that commitment level. & it takes a lot to make
sure they are there for you. & even then 30+ yrs of being together means
nothing for some couples which brings me back to EFFORT.

Love is like your school grades. You start with an A, how easy it is in
the beginning right couples? So effortless. But it gets harder to KEEP
that A as the lessons come along. You start to question your dedication
& strength. But in the end if you know this love is worth it, you'll
continue to work hard for the love to last & graduate top class.

Ask yourself this: Is your significant other worth YOUR mind, body &

*Thanks to Twitter.com/AYEBE for the question.

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