I realize I observe you a lot more now. Trying to figure out the kind of
boy you're growing up to be. I don't have it quite down yet but I will
soon. I wonder what goes through your mind. You acquire so much
knowledge, you astound me with your memory. & boy do you love books.
Anyway, I miss you love. I miss your touch & I miss your "Good
boy you're growing up to be. I don't have it quite down yet but I will
soon. I wonder what goes through your mind. You acquire so much
knowledge, you astound me with your memory. & boy do you love books.
Anyway, I miss you love. I miss your touch & I miss your "Good
I especially miss your "Buenos Dees Mama's"
*DEEP sigh*
It's hard, baby. (Gotta remember you're not a baby anymore) But trust, I
give it my all & I try so hard to take advantage of the 72hrs I have
w/you every week. I'm.. I'm gonna end this note now.
I should be thankful. Not sad or caught up in waiting at least 77 more
hrs til we hug & kiss once again.
"See you layterrr." :)