Recovery & Relaxation

Amongst my restless/stressful days I wake up to a new one that FEELS brand new. Amount of hours of sleep doesn't matter because your energy is upbeat & your smile is ever so contagious. & not just for the first few hours, not just until that pissed off person brings you down.. Nah. ALL day. Because those with an attitude or those depressed, miserable can't make you unhappy. You feel alive. You feel blessed. You're cheering others up. You're even called beautiful by friends & strangers.. As you realize you're rockin' the natural look-no make-up. Yes, it's a beautiful day & should be kept as thee top memory in your mind, for you don't get too many of those good days, now do you?

4.16.9 Recovery & Relaxation

Shouts to "Rap's Quentin Tarantino": 14thCentury. []

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