
I've been waiting to find the right words to describe the night of November 4th for me.

I'm ready.

I had November 4th off, for both jobs. I drove to LA in order to vote around 2 and was finished voting for the 1st time in my life, by 4:30 p.m. I didn't have any money to get something to eat and I was very hungry. My mom called me and reminded me that she was in West Covina which was about 28 minutes from my polling place. I made plans to drive there and get something to eat. So I was on my way.

Then my boss calls me and asks if I want to come in to work, I accepted. So now I had to be home by 10 because I started @ 11p.m. Basically had to make sure I left from West Covina by 8p.m.

Arrived at my aunt's house where my mom was staying for a few days and I ate 18 pepperoni pizza rolls and after Andrew had some spaghetti, I finished what he didn't eat. Then I took a shower. Then I started watching las noticias with my mom. We were watching a discussion about the candidates and were being updated every two minutes or so on how many electoral votes each candidate was receiving. Which state was going to whom and whatnot.

This whole time, I was very anxious and excited. I knew Obama took NY and McCain took GA. Those two states and Cali of course were what I was most interested in.

Cuz I love NY and I love ATL. And I'm everLAsting baby!!

I decided to start my drive @ 7:30p.m.
Andrew was sleep in the car by 7:37p.m.
At 8pm I was already in Irvine.

I started contacting different people and telling them to please let me know how the electoral votes were goin'. Brooklyn gave me the msn homepage to look at, said they update it every 2mins. It wasn't showing anything about the electoral page so I just googled 'electoral vote updates' and I came across this page that said Obama had 263 and McCain was still in the hundreds. I swore that was wrong because just half an hr ago he had 100 points less than that. It just seemed too fast for me lol.

Then it was 8:13p.m.

My mom sent me a text message,


I started FREAKING OUT. Driving, listening to music through my LX mp3 player, had my headphones on. I couldn't hear any music and was talking outloud saying things like, "He won. Won what? Obama won. What did he win? Cali?"

I immediately contacted Brooklyn and asked him what I was asking myself.

Obama won? Won what??

He said, "He's our president."

Tears instantly came into my eyes. I was shocked, overwhelmed, and so so genuinely happy. I contacted Atlanta and told him I was crying and I wasn't sure why! And he told me not to cry, that this was history. And I told him that that had to be the reason I was crying then! That this is amazing. That Obama has won and we will finally have change.

[Whether or not he would have won we would have change. It'd be someone other than Bush "running" this country].

We finally were going to have change. Something not just I have seeked for so long. I was crying hard. Driving and crying trying to compose myself. My friends were viewing Obama speak while I was driving through Laguna Beach.

I was such in a hurry to get home and see this!! I wanted to continue to be a part of this progress. And see my future president speak to me. Reassure me that my vote for him was not looked past. Comfort me in knowing that he will make a difference. He will make things better and he's anxious to serve us as our president.

My tears were a symbol of change, hope, joy, love & optimism.

As well as history.

"Now that all the smoke is gone
& the battle's finally won
Victory is finally ours
History: so long, so long."


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