My Journey.

Lately I've been feeling like I need to be receiving different things based on what I've done whether it's work hard, being a great mother, helping others in any way I can at ANY TIME, and it's not fair for me to do that. I mean, it's not up to me. And I realized that I lost touch with my relationship with God. I think when I decided to distance myself from whom I thought were "friends" I was awakened with the sight of those who weren't there for me, and, God wasn't in my sight either. AND THAT'S BAD, ACCORDING TO ME. I know what it's like to not have Him with me always not just in need and life was, well, I won't mention it here. My book will tell my tales. But back to God.

Recently I found myself questioning Him. With those Frequently Asked Questions. "What's next?" "What's Your plan exactly?" "When will I prosper?" "Where You at?!"

And here He comes with His signs that are so hard to see due to evil distractions.

I commence and complete reading another book! And it has scriptures, bible stories, basically a guide that will slap you to the obvious. A definite recommended read for those who have just wondered and didn't know how or when things would fall into place.

The book is titled That We Might See and it is written by Jayne Smith.

Her website:

PLEASE. Feel free to read an excerpt or two if I haven't convinced you that EVERY PAGE IS WORTH BUYING. So go ahead purchase online.

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