
I'm still not sleep which means I may be cranky in the morning! Noooooo!

I was reading though.. Tryin' to get sleepy with the SKLX light :-P and learned a few things of the cremation process as well as what CREATIVE people have done to the "cremains."

Such as, scattering..

· through fireworks
· blasted in a shotgun shell [personal fave lol]
· made into an articifial diamond! That's bling fo' ya ass huh!!? [Creepy]
· and something super neat I may partake in: enough "cremains" to be placed in a lipstick-tube-shaped thing and sent to orbit.. N be there for a few yrs b4 I re-enter the atmosphere haha.. Dope.

I think cremating someone is great.. Plus it's very economical for cemetery spaces :-D

Closing eyes now.
Thanks Google.


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