My Breakdown

You will not recognize the quality in this post if you have not seen Kanye West's film: Runaway.
  • I remember thinkin', 'Damn, he can run!'
  • Heard the narrator & thought, 'Where have I heard this voice before?'
  • 'Really,' once I heard the Minaj in Nicki, lol.
  • The clouds & flames in this video look exceptional.
  • As the V comes into play again, I can't help but to look away from the beauty in that alone & notice  how much more breath-giving the surrounding (nature/sky) is.
  • I don't care how rich you are nor how hard you work, you don't deserve diamond teeth.
  • Shout-out to Bambi & the necklaces in Barra de Navidad w/the main jewel being a deer's eye.
  • How intriguing, when we see the phoenix.
  • TF she shakin'? She wakes. She focuses. She's curious.
  • I've never seen a television that turns off like that (shout-out to the less fortunate).
  • I like the first rule for this world: Don't pay attention to anything you see in the news.
  • Her curiosity is juvenile & refreshing.
  • Props to the designer(s) of the phoenix.
  • When Kanye is playing the music for her & she dances, my son began to look away but look back sometime thinking he wasn't allowed to watch.
  • Respect (Michael Jackson, R.I.P.)
  • I noticed a few things in relation to racism &/or role reversal. The people wearing that red material over their face similar to the KKK. Standing behind/beside the all-white band. Perhaps a reminder to that it isn't over & we are still unable to consider each other equal. The large gathering of black people while the white people stand by waiting to serve them (shouts to Rozay in Window Seat mentioning ".. first class but I'm still a nigga.")
  • The man next to Kanye telling him that his girlfriend does not belong there, for she is different than the rest. Once he walks away from the table(s) & towards the piano, you see her, the phoenix, moving her chair & captivated by him. Wondering what's next, depending on him. Much like a traditional female & male where he rules over her (personally, as it should be).
  • The introduction of the ballerinas & their (entire) performance is enchanting.
  • As far as the song Runaway goes, I feel he's talking about himself & how picky he is. How he won't take shit from anyone despite the shit he himself releases. So he's telling his significant other to leave because it isn't a smart idea to stick around because he is accepting & aware that he will not change for anyone even though he is unable to accept another being without wanting to adjust something in them. It almost looked as if he was going to cry when he was standing on top of the piano. He also seemed disappointed in himself because he hates to hear himself outloud describe the way that he is. At the same time, it needs to be said because at the end of the day he is compliant to whom he is as an individual. He knows his flaws, will not change, will continue living his life trying to prove why he deserves the best & won't look into why he will continue to transform his partner because he can't take them as they are. So they (the women in his life) would be best off to continue their journey without him even though he is aware of the pain he will go through once they part ways.
  • Her admiration for him is seen when she gets a close-up (I won't front, I thought a lot about what it would take to be with Kanye West; thought a lot about the kind of woman Amber Rose was/is).
  • As I notice Kanye putting his face in his hands on top of that piano & we see the dancers stand still, I felt a lot of pain in this film. A troubled man, a non-conforming female, issues of the world &/or my own.
  • I'd like to declare the death of video girls after that talented performance of the femmes in tutus. I mean, did you see their bodies?! The combination of both their physical ability & rhythm has me throwing tombstones at the video chicks voluntarily evolving their bodies.
  • Did you see Cate Blanchett's little brother in this video? Hint: she's wearing a tutu, LOL.
  • I do not miss Auto-tune (808's & Heartbreak is my shit though).
  • I want some shoes like Kanye's for Thanksgiving.
  • I'm mad at the feathers all over the food. But I was digging the added feathers (wings) on the phoenix.
  • Notice Kanye putting his forehead in his hands. Realizing that he is a fool for trying to change her, almost thinking that she would never fit in & whether or not he should give up on her.
  • "I call you, Bitch, for short. As a last resort & a first resort. You call me, Motherfucker, for long. At the end of it, we know we both were wrong." ♥
  • Note the ongoing theme of alteration. She explains to him what she is meant to do & he is only worried about his wants. He will not let her do what she must. Then he has intercourse with the turkey lady. & she rides him well; her nipple is protruding through the feathers.
  • Enter: the role reversal & Kanye, the man is left alone. Wondering where she went. She's left him to continue her journey.
  • Superb scene(s) of the phoenix rising higher & higher.
  • As for the film, I enjoyed it & the message is appreciated. Message: our mind automatically discriminates anything not familiar therefore is never welcomed. & those who preach equality & unity are the same people who look down on new ideas &/or put an effort to make some sort of conversion. & because of that, we end up alone & wonder why even though the answer has always been underneath our noses. Before you make the conscious decision to revolutionize others, make sure you're willing to give yourself a revision. & if you aren't, then it would be fair to tell (an)other(s) to Runaway.

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